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How much are flights typically from Birmingham to Alicante?
The average price for connecting flights to Alicante from Birmingham will cost you £136.68 while a non-stop flight is about £161.83. We can help you cut down on the cost of your flight tickets by up to 40%!
How long does it usually take to fly from Birmingham to Alicante?
Alicante is 980 miles away from Birmingham. A direct flight takes about three hours while flights with stopovers can take five hours and 30 minutes up to seven hours.
Arriving in Alicante
Alicante is a port city in Spain’s southeastern Costa Blanca, famous for its wonderful palm tree-flanked boulevards and shopping streets. The original name of the city is “Lucentum” which means “City of Light”.
Climb up and visit Castillo de Santa Barbara which is perched on a hillside. This historic 16th-century castle and fortress overlooks the town of Alicante. As the sun sets, strong along Explanada de España where the sea and the marina make a perfect frame for the picturesque market stalls, coffee shops, and bars.
The food in Alicante often contains rice and fish, and lamb is popular, too. You have to try their salazones or salted fish, which is an important part of Alicante’s cuisine.