Find A Cheap Flight From Toronto to Paris

Thinking of going to the City of Lights? Score affordable flight tickets to Paris from Toronto! Just fill out the form and we can help you save money on plane tickets!

Toronto to ParisFree Tailored QuotesHow do we offer the best prices?

If you are searching for flights going to Paris from Toronto, we provide individually tailored flight searches according to your needs.

How flexible are you when it comes to your travel dates? Are you thinking of getting an open ticket or are you traveling on fixed dates? Do you prefer direct flights over connecting ones?

Whether you can fly red-eye flights or you don’t have fixed travel dates, we can help you find affordable airline tickets online. Let us know how flexible your travel plans are.

Give us an idea about your itinerary so we can customize our search to meet your needs. Let us help you save up to 40% on flight tickets! We want to make sure your trip expenses fit your travel budget.

What is the expected price for a flight from Toronto to Paris?

Average flight prices for a one-way flight from Toronto to Paris are about $227 while a round trip ticket costs $453. If you fill out our questionnaire, we can help you save up to 40% on your tickets!

How long does it usually take to fly from Toronto to Paris?

Flying out to Paris from Toronto takes about eight hours and 15 minutes with a distance of approximately 6,020 kilometers.

Arriving in Paris

Paris, France’s capital, is a major European city and a global center for art, fashion, gastronomy, and culture. It is famous for its Eiffel Tower on the Champ de Mars. This is a famous symbol of French civic pride, despite being initially hated by many Parisians. The tower was named after the engineer Gustave Eiffel.

If you’ve seen Disney’s “The Hunchback of Notre Dame”, you’ll love their famous cathedral, the Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris. It is famed for its Gothic architecture and stands on the Île de la Cité and is the symbolic heart of the city.

Parisians’ love affair with their food is all about indulgence. Try their baguettes, pain au chocolat, or croissants for breakfast. Indulge in delicious macarons, eclairs, French cheese, and oysters, too.

Helpful Travel Guide

Are you worried whether you’ll be able to take your toothpaste or deodorant on board? Or maybe you or someone in your group is suffering from a medical condition and would like to know whether you can board at all? Check out our amazing tips.