Toronto to Montreal Cheap Flights

Fill out our short questionnaire with all your specific flying needs – we will do all the research for you and find you the cheapest deal with all your preferences taken into consideration so you can travel stress-free.

Toronto to MontrealDifferent Kind of Fare-Finder
How do we offer the best prices?

To find the best flights, we tailor our search to fit your preferences and present the flights that suit your needs on our recommendation page.

Tell us what kind of flight you are looking for. Are you okay with group ticket purchases? Is your time flexible for connecting flights or do you prefer getting a direct flight to Montreal? For layover flights, how long are you willing to wait?

We can also help with travel dates. Are your dates fixed or is there a little bit of wiggle room? Your airport preferences are taken into account as well.

The more information we have about your travel plans, the better we can help you find the flight for you. We can help you save 30% to 40% of your money on booking.

Free Tailored Quotes

We make it a point to watch out for great flight deals and discounts via our amazing research team. Once we find the cheapest flights, we pattern it to what you want to see.

The recommendations we make are then shown to you in an organized way. This is for you to be able to compare the flights more easily.

How much do flights from Toronto to Montreal usually cost?

A typical flight from Toronto to Montreal would cost you around $108. With our services, you can save up to 40% on your tickets!

How long does it usually take to fly from Toronto to Montreal?

It takes 500 kilometers to travel from Toronto to Montreal. It takes approximately an hour and 10 minutes to cover that distance.

Arriving in Montreal

When you arrive in Montreal, you are in for a treat. The city is great for both active individuals and those that prefer a more laid-back vacation. 

If you prefer to relax and wind down, visit the Plateau’s Place of Predilection in Parc La Fontaine and surround yourself with nature. Go on a picnic, or grab a book. This place is a sanctuary for the introverts out there. 

Satisfy the foodie in you as you visit Aldea MTL and experience rich Portuguese-inspired flavors. This place is great for individuals and groups.

Tips For Flying In Canada

Different rules apply to different places when it comes to air travel. Click here to find out whether you need to bring your baby’s birth certificate when flying in Canada, or what medical conditions can prevent you from flying.