Flights From Vancouver to Edmonton

Going on a trip from Vancouver to Edmonton? Take a step back from the hassle of trying to find cost-effective flights by letting us take over the job and find the best prices with all your travel preferences!

Vancouver to EdmontonSave Time And MoneyHow do we offer the best prices?

Get the best flights using our search-based methods so you can enjoy the best deals.When you book with us, you are not stressed about traveling!

All you have to do is answer a few questions about your flying preferences. The more flexible you are, the better deals you can grab!

Are you willing to get on a connecting flight? Are you all right with hopping on a red-eye? What’s your take on purchasing group tickets?

This info helps us navigate through multiple airline details and find you what you want, without the hassle. Save up to 30% to 40% of your travel budget with us!

Custom Fare-Finding To Suit All Your Needs

How exactly do we do this? Our researchers find the best deals in airfare for you. They search high and low to deliver the cheapest options that cater to your needs.

After considering your preferences, we will lay out all your options and our recommendations on a single page. Simply select the flight you want and travel cheap every time!

What is the expected price of flights from Vancouver to Edmonton?

The typical price for flights from Vancouver to Edmonton is around $150. But with us, get up to 40% savings!

How long does it usually take to fly from Vancouver to Edmonton?

It will take approximately an hour and a half to fly from Vancouver to Edmonton. This time will cover around 823 kilometers.

Arriving in Edmonton

Upon arriving in Edmonton, there is no time to lose. This beautiful city caters to both urban and nature-loving individuals. Here are the must-see places and experiences that you have to check out. 

Looking for some under-the-sun fun? Take a fishing trip tour where you get to go to the best fishing spots. Lake and river guys will enjoy this experience. 

If you are looking for something more lively, get a ticket to an Edmonton Oilers game and enjoy hard-hitting ice hockey fun! The entire family will definitely jump for joy.

Keep Exploring Canada

Travel through Canada using our unique fare-finder that takes into account all your travel preferences! Once you’re done with your sightseeing in Edmonton, jump on a plane to Toronto and discover everything Canada has to offer.