Flights From Winnipeg to Toronto

Travel from Winnipeg to Toronto in the most cost-effective way. Want to know how? Get in touch with our team of expert flight searchers to save money on your next trip.

Winnipeg to TorontoUnique Fare-FinderHow do we offer the best prices?

We provide custom flight searches from Winnipeg to Toronto based on your travel preferences.

All you need to do is fill-up the form and provide the details of your travel plans. Are you traveling on fixed dates, or are you okay with red-eye flights? Flexible dates will bring you more savings, but our team can also provide you with the best option for fixed dates.

Do you prefer direct fights, or are layovers all right with you? Do you have an airport of choice? Are you looking into purchasing group tickets?

Just provide us with your preferred flight setup and our team will work on finding the most affordable options. Save 30% to 40% off on your next trip without breaking a sweat.

How much can you expect to pay for a plane ticket from Winnipeg to Toronto?

One-way flights from Winnipeg to Toronto usually cost around $125 while roundtrip tickets are approximately $200. With our flight search service, you can find flights that are 30% to 40% cheaper than the usual rates.

How long does it usually take to fly from Winnipeg to Toronto?

It usually takes two hours and 18 minutes to travel from Winnipeg to Toronto via plane. The distance is around 1,512km.

Arriving in Toronto

Toronto is ranked fourth when it comes to the largest cities in North America. Here you can find a good mix of activities to do and places to visit.

CN Tower is one of the landmarks that you should not miss when in Toronto. This 533-m famous icon features a revolving restaurant and a magnificent view of the city. 

Other places to visit include the Royal Ontario Museum, Art Gallery of Ontario, the Entertainment District, and many more. You may also plan a day trip to the famous Niagara Falls, which is just a short ride from Toronto. Parks, beaches, and gardens are also spread throughout the city so you won’t run out of recreational things to do.

Keep Traveling From Toronto

Use our free and convenient service to customize your flights from Toronto with all your needs! We offer our service on internal destinations in Canada, such as Toronto to Calgary, Edmonton, Halifax, Vancouver, and more. You can also use our service on international travel from Toronto, including but not limited to Toronto to Amsterdam, Toronto to Delhi, Toronto to London, and much more!