Toronto to Ottawa Cheap Flights

Looking for the lowest prices on flights from Toronto to Ottawa? We’ve got your back! Just provide us with your travel information and we will take care of the rest.

Toronto to OttawaFind The Cheapest FlightsHow do we offer the best prices?

Our flight search service is tailored to ensure that you can find the cheapest available flights from Toronto to Ottawa, while also taking your flight preferences into account.

All you have to do is to provide us information about your travel plans. We want to know if you are flexible about your travel dates and times and if there are certain factors that you can’t compromise.

Is a direct flight your preferred option over connecting flights? If you want to book a connecting flight, do you have a preferred city for the layover? How long would you want for that layover to be? Are you traveling solo or with a large group? Let us know!

By giving us detailed information about your travel plans, we will be able to determine your level of travel flexibility. This will inform us about what flights to offer you so you can choose from the best possible options. With our service, we can guarantee savings of anywhere from 30% to 40%!

Unprecedented Fare-Finding Method

We are committed to our task of finding you the cheapest flights for your trip from Toronto to Ottawa. To make this happen, our team of experts will do extensive research to find the most comprehensive array of flight information.

Our goal is to not just provide you with a list of flights with low prices. We also want to make sure that each flight option is tailored according to the information you provided us regarding your travel plans and preferences.

How much are flights typically from Toronto to Ottawa?

The average cost of direct flights from Toronto to Ottawa is $235 or $173 for connecting flights. With our service, you can end up saving up to 40% on your ticket.

How long does it usually take to fly from Toronto to Ottawa?

The average flight time from Toronto to Ottawa is 56 minutes. There is a distance of approximately 224 miles between the two cities.

Arriving in Ottawa

Located near the U.S. border and the city of Montreal, Ottawa is Canada’s capital city in the east of southern Ontario. At the heart of the city is the Parliament Hill, which boasts a gorgeous grand Victorian architecture.

The city sits on the Ottawa River. It grew into a metropolis in 1820 following the construction of the Rideau Canal, which connects the city to the Saint Lawrence River as well as Lake Ontario.

The former houses the world-famous Notre Dame Basilica, National Gallery of Canada, and the bustling Byward Market. The latter is the fashionable side of the city, which extends all the way down to the Parliament Hill and the imposing Bank of Canada building.

Explore Canada

The number of destinations in Canada you can get to from Toronto is unlimited. Use our custom fare-finder to get the best flight prices whether you’re flying Toronto-Edmonton, Toronto-Vancouver, Toronto-Halifax, or any other major Canadian city.