Personalized Flights From Toronto to San Francisco

Let us find the best deal for flights from Toronto to San Francisco that accommodates all your travel preferences for the cheapest price.

Toronto to San FranciscoFree Custom QuotesHow do we offer the best prices?

Make your trip to San Francisco from Toronto economical with our flight search platform that is tailored to your needs!

Give us an idea of what kind of flight plan you are taking. How flexible are you when it comes to travel dates and times? Are you working on fixed travel dates?

Are you adaptable enough to take connecting flights or do you prefer direct trips? What are your thoughts about layovers? How long can you wait to make your connecting flight? If you have preferred airports, let us know as well.

We can help you cut down on your plane ticket expenses if you share your ideal itinerary with us. We have a team that can help you save up to 40% on your tickets! Just fill out the form and we will send you your best options in no time!

Not Your Average Comparison Site

We are not an ordinary comparison website. We scour the internet to help you find the best and cheapest flights. We gather information from all the popular comparison websites, tour companies, and relevant airlines. We do personalized flight searches based on the details that you provide.

We carefully consider your preferences and other important travel information. We will then send you all your best options displayed on one page for you to make an easy decision. This way, you won’t have to deal with the stress of searching and comparing flights yourself.

What are the average prices for a flight from Toronto to San Francisco?

You can get a price range from $222 to $339 in Canadian dollars for tickets flying to San Francisco from Toronto. Working with us will save you 30% to 40% off on your airline tickets!

How long does it usually take to fly from Toronto to San Francisco?

San Francisco is 3,647 kilometers away from Toronto. It takes about five hours and 30 minutes of air travel between two cities.

Arriving in San Francisco

San Francisco is the cultural, financial, and commercial center of Northern California. The Golden Gate Bridge is a great place to walk, bike, hike, and spend time with family or friends. The art deco suspension bridge stretches 4,200 feet and towers as high as a 65-story building.

Another interesting attraction is Alcatraz Island. The island was developed with facilities for a lighthouse, a military prison, and a federal prison from 1934 to 1963. Park rangers conduct tours by recounting its thrilling history and intriguing anecdotes about Al Capone and other legendary figures that stayed on the island during their incarceration.

Finally, when it comes to eating, among the unique foods you can sample in San Francisco are abalone, bay shrimp, and crusty sourdough French bread.

Travel To California On A Budget

Get an unbeatable quote every time for any flight from Toronto to California. Make sure to check out our options for flights from Toronto to Los Angeles – it could save you even more money!