Flights From London to Toronto

Looking for the cheapest flights to Toronto from London? Worry no more! We can take away the stress and help you save money with our custom fare finder!

London to TorontoFind The Cheapest FlightsHow do we offer the best prices?

Your visit to Toronto from London will be cost-effective and less stressful with our flight search services, which we tailor to fit your needs!

Let us know what kind of itinerary you plan on taking. Are you flexible when it comes to your travel dates and times? Are you willing to take connecting flights or do you prefer non-stop flights? What do you think about layovers? How long can you wait for a connecting flight?

Are you open to going on a red-eye flight? What are your thoughts about group ticket purchases? Do you have any airport preferences? We can help you save more on ticket costs. 

We can help you cut down on plane ticket expenses. Just fill out the form and let us know your travel plans so that our team can help you save from 30% to 40%! Discover your best options with us!

Get An Unbeatable Quote

We can help you find the best and cheapest flight because we gather the latest airline data and compare all the popular comparison websites, tour companies, and relevant airlines. But we are not an ordinary comparison site — we do a bespoke search based on the details you provide.

We are going to send you all your options on a single page so you can easily see which one works best for you. This means that our team of flight search experts will help you save money, and that you won’t have to stress over searching and comparing flights all by yourself.

How much is the typical price of flights from London to Toronto?

One-way flights to Toronto from London cost around £268 while round trip flights cost approximately £421. Our team can help you save up to 40% on your flight tickets!

How long does it usually take to fly from London to Toronto?

The distance between Toronto and London is approximately 3,550 miles. It takes about eight hours to get from London to Toronto.

Arriving in Toronto

Toronto, the capital of Ontario, is the largest city in Canada and also one of the most diverse. It is home to a dynamic metropolis with towering skyscrapers, interesting museums, and beautiful galleries as well as popular attractions like the world-famous CN Tower and Toronto Islands. 

Take the family to Ripley’s Aquarium of Canada where you can immerse yourself in a world of 20,000 aquatic animals. The Aquarium features North America’s longest underwater viewing tunnel with more than 1.5 million gallons of water and over 100 interactive opportunities. 

Royal Ontario Museum showcases art, culture, and nature from around the globe and across the centuries. Opened in 1914, it is home to a world-class collection of more than six million objects and specimens, which are featured in 40 gallery and exhibition spaces.

Experience International Travel

Our unique fare finder covers nearly every destination you can think of. Travel internationally on a budget and always get the best prices for tickets that are individually tailored to meet your travel needs. 

Use our service to travel from London to New York, or from London to Barcelona, and get the best prices every time.