Personalised Flights From Manchester to Malaga

Want to get the most affordable flights from Manchester to Malaga? We are ready to help! Let us know your travel plans and we’ll save you money with our bespoke flight-searching service.

Manchester to MalagaBest CustomQuotes
How do we offer the best prices?

One of the best things about traveling is being able to find the cheapest flights. We can help you look for the most affordable tickets to Malaga from Manchester!

We want to know how flexible you are when it comes to your travel dates and times Are you working on fixed dates or are you thinking of getting an open ticket? Are connecting flights a possibility for you or are non-stop flights your preference? 

Are you open to taking red-eye flights? If having a layover is not an issue, how long should your maximum wait time be for your connecting flight? Do let us know if you have airport preferences, too.

Share as much information as you can about your travel needs so we can customize our search to meet your requirements. Let us help you save up to 40% on flight tickets! We want to make sure you can get savings on your trip.

We’ll Find You The Best Price

Trust us to find you the most affordable and flexible travel options. With our assistance, you won’t have to go through every tour company and flight comparison website. We are always on the lookout for flight deals and promotions.

All you need to do is let us know your travel preferences by filling out the form. Our team of flight search experts will get back to you with the cheapest options they can find so that you can make cost-effective travel decisions.

How much do flights from Manchester to Malaga typically cost?

One way tickets to Malaga from Manchester can cost you about £89 to £149. A round trip ticket is about £189. We can help you save 30% to 40% on your tickets!

How long does it usually take to fly from Manchester to Malaga?

The distance between Malaga and Manchester is approximately 1,156 miles. It takes about an estimated three hours to get from one airport to another.

Arriving in Malaga

Málaga is a large city in the southern Spanish region of Andalucia. The largest city on the Costa del Sol, Malaga has a typical Mediterranean climate and is also known as the birthplace of famous Spanish artist Pablo Picasso. 

Picasso Museum Málaga opened in 2003 in Buenavista Palace is filled with 285 works donated by the Picasso family.

Built by the Hammudid dynasty in the early 11th century, Alcazaba is a palatial fortification in Málaga, Spain. It is the best-preserved alcazaba in the country. Adjacent to its entrance are remnants of a Roman theatre dating back to the 1st century BC, which are undergoing restoration. Some of the Roman-era materials were reused in the Moorish construction of the Alcazaba.