Find A Cheap Flight From Belfast to London

Take the opportunity to get the most cost-effective flights from Belfast to London today. All you have to do is give our expert team your flight details and enjoy great discounts.

Belfast to LondonUnbeatable QuotesHow do we offer the best prices?

Tailor-made to your preferences, we scour the web for deals so you do not have to do it yourself. With us, you can forget about the stress of booking flights.

The best way to get those cheaper flights is to fill out our form by answering various questions about your flight preferences to enable us to perfectly customize our search for you. Do you prefer a direct flight or can you spare a few hours on a flight with a layover?

We also check if you are willing to take red-eye flights. They are usually cheaper. Are you okay with group ticket purchases?

Things like these help us give you the best flying experience you could possibly have that is also well within your budget. Save up to 30% to 40% on your airfare when you work with our team of experts.

A Different Kind Of Fare-Finder

Our team of researchers is the key to your discounted airfare. Promos and great deals are what they constantly watch out for. We guarantee that you will be able to save a lot of money on your trips, leaving you with a bigger budget for touring the city.

Besides your date and time preferences, we also take into account other requirements you may have such as which airport or which airline you prefer. Our recommendations are always the cheapest.

What is the expected price for flights from Belfast to London?

An average flight from Belfast to London would cost you approximately £91. With our expertise, you can save 30% to 40% on your airfare!

How long does it usually take to fly from Belfast to London?

On average, it takes one hour and 15 minutes to get to Belfast from London. It takes 528 kilometers to travel between the two cities.

Arriving in London

Upon arriving in London, you definitely cannot miss the following sites. These are considered must-see attractions! 

The best way to view the city is by riding the London Eye. Many tourists say that you have not seen London without taking a ride on this huge wheel. This way, you can spot which places to go to next! 

For all the Potterheads out there, London is the place to be. When in London, be sure to visit the Warner Bros. Studio and take the tour there to fulfill your Harry Potter needs.