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Let us be your travel partner in making your best budget-driven travel choices. We can make the search for you so you won’t have to spend time going through each airline and group tour websites to compare prices.
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How much do flights from Bristol to Edinburgh usually cost?
The average ticket cost for a one-way flight from Bristol to Edinburgh is about £87. You are looking at £355 for a round trip ticket. We can help you save up to 40% with the help of our flight search service.
How long does it usually take to fly from Bristol to Edinburgh?
The distance from Bristol to Edinburgh is 520 kilometers or 323 miles. It takes about one hour and 7 minutes to fly between the two cities.
Arriving in Edinburgh
Edinburgh is a bustling and vibrant city that is full of history. It hosts a variety of colorful festivals throughout the year. Notable attractions include Arthur’s Seat, Edinburgh’s Waterfront, and the Pentland Hills.
Museums, parks, and gardens are aplenty in Edinburgh. Get to know the city’s rich history by exploring Edinburgh Castle or paying a visit to St. Giles’ Cathedral.
Enjoy a nightcap at one of Edinburgh’s best pubs and bars. Try the country’s national drink, Scotch whisky, where it is served as it is, no ice. If beer is more to your taste, order a pint or half pint of Scottish beer at one of the great local pubs.