Flights From Cardiff to Edinburgh

Get a free custom quote on your flight from Cardiff to Edinburgh – we will consider all your likes and dislikes. Fly on a budget with all your needs taken care of every time.

Cardiff to EdinburghGet An Unbeatable QuoteHow do we offer the best prices?

You don’t need to stress over searching for a flight from Cardiff to Edinburgh that would fit into your budget. Let our flight search service take the hard work off your hands!

In order to get started with using our service, we will collect data about your travel plans. Let us know how flexible you are when it comes to your flight dates and times.

Would you prefer flying direct to your destination? Or would you be fine with connecting flights? Do you prefer morning or evening flights? 

Feel free to provide us with as much information about your ideal flight as possible. We will use that information towards matching available flights with your preferences. This is how we can plan your trip so you can get up to 40% savings!

We Are An Unconventional Fare-Finder

How can we ensure that you get the cheapest flights possible? It’s simple. We look beyond airline websites. We also compare rates from tour companies and booking platforms. 

We scour every possible distribution channel. If there is a cheaper flight for your trip from Cardiff to Edinburgh, we will find it. At the same time, we take into account your preferred flight plans so you can enjoy your trip.

How much should you expect to set aside for flights from Cardiff to Edinburgh?

The average cost of flights from Cardiff to Edinburgh starts at £143. But you don’t have to pay full price as our flight search service can land you up to a 40% discount!

How long does it usually take to fly from Cardiff to Edinburgh?

There is a distance of approximately 311 miles from Cardiff to Edinburgh. The average flight will take about one hour and 10 minutes to reach Edinburgh.

Arriving in Edinburgh

This compact and bustling Scottish capital is home to a medieval Old Town with gorgeous neoclassical architecture. It’s also Scotland’s centre for culture and arts, as well as a famous tourist destination for its festivals and lively markets.

The rich history and culture of Edinburgh provide tourists with numerous must-see attractions. Among your choices are the Edinburgh Castle, Holyrood Abbey and the Palace of Holyroodhouse, The Royal Mile, National Museum, Princess Street and Gardens, and more.

Kids and their adult companions can explore and learn from museums and galleries, such as the National Gallery of Modern Art, Scottish National Gallery and Portrait Gallery, National Museum of Scotland, and The Museum of Childhood. The Edinburgh Zoo also houses a wide diversity of animals from all over the world, making it an ideal family-friendly destination.