Bargain Flights From Edinburgh to Southampton

Get the best-priced flights when traveling from Edinburgh to Southampton. We can make your entire trip stress-free with all your individual travel needs met.

Edinburgh to SouthamptonSave Time & MoneyHow do we offer the best prices?

Customized to suit your preferences, our flight searching service will make your trip to Southampton worthwhile. Cost-effective flights are within your reach.

Let us know what type of flight experience you want to have. The more flexible your plans are, the more chances of finding lower prices. In fact, you can save up to 30% to 40% when you use our bespoke fare-finder.

All you have to do is fill out the form. Just tell us your preferences. Are you willing to take a red-eye flight? Or are you okay with having a layover? If so, how long are you willing to wait?

The more we can find out about your plans, the better the deals that we can find for you. Our team will help you get the flights you deserve.

How much will a flight from Edinburgh to Southampton set you back, on average?

The typical flight from Edinburgh to Southampton will cost approximately £80. With our service, you can save up to 40% on airfare!

How long does it usually take to fly from Edinburgh to Southampton?

It will take 355 miles to get from Edinburgh to Southampton. Flight times will take an hour and 30 minutes.

Arriving in Southampton

Upon arriving in Southampton, you will see an amazing city that has a lot to offer to singles, couples, and family travellers.

Looking for a fun-filled day? Try visiting the Sneaky Dog Escapes, a virtual reality experience that doubles as an escape room! Best for couples and families, you will definitely have a blast solving mysteries. 

The SeaCity Museum cannot be missed, either. It showcases the historical connection between the Titanic and the city. Dine on fresh seafood there as well!

UK Travel Options

Our bespoke service can provide you with the most affordable tickets for flights in the UK.

Travel from Belfast to Liverpool, or from Manchester to London on a budget every time.