Tailored Flights From Southampton to Edinburgh

Heading to Edinburgh? We can find you the cheapest bespoke flight deals online so you can save on your travel budget. Just fill out our form.

Southampton to EdinburghFree Tailored QuotesHow do we offer the best prices?

If you have travel plans going out from Southampton to Edinburgh, we can provide you with cost-effective bespoke flight searches!

Are you working on a fixed itinerary, or do you have flexible travel dates and times? Are you open to the possibility of layovers, or are direct flights more your type?

Do you have airport preferences that we need to know? How do you feel about group ticket purchases? Share your travel plans with us so we can tailor our search according to your preferences.

The more we know about your travel plans, the more we can help you cut down your travel cost up to 40%. Our team of travel experts will take care of your travel needs. Just fill up the form so we can find better options for you.

On average, what can you expect to set aside for a flight from Southampton to Edinburgh?

A one-way ticket from Southampton to Edinburgh costs around £79. A round trip will set you back £158. You can save up to 40% with the help of our flight search service!

How long does it usually take to fly from Southampton to Edinburgh?

The average flight time from Southampton to Edinburgh is about one hour and 35 minutes. The distance from Southampton to Edinburgh is approximately 355.57 miles.

Arriving in Edinburgh

Edinburgh is the capital city of Scotland. Towering over the city is Edinburgh Castle, home to Scotland’s crown jewels and the Stone of Destiny, which was used during the Scottish rulers’ coronation.

The name Old Town was given to the oldest part of Scotland’s capital city of Edinburgh. Its medieval street plan and many Reformation-era buildings are perfectly preserved. Along with the 18th/19th-century New Town, it is part of a protected UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Take a tour at The Scotch Whisky Experience for whisky tutoring sessions. You can learn a thing or two about the different whisky aromas and flavors of scotch whiskies.