Bargain Flights From Birmingham to Amsterdam

Traveling from Birmingham to Amsterdam? Our bespoke flight searchers can find the most affordable, individually tailored flights for you!

Birmingham to AmsterdamNot Your Average Comparison Site
How do we offer the best prices?

We tailor our flight searches according to your needs and come up with the cheapest flights for your preferred travel dates.

Provide us with information about your flight plans. Are you traveling alone or in a group? Do you want to find a round-trip ticket or not?

Do you have fixed dates? What is your take on layovers? These details can help our team find flights that will perfectly suit your needs. 

Just complete the form and our team will immediately start searching on your behalf. We will provide you with your best options in an easy-to-navigate format.

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Our platform provides bespoke flight searches to come up with the most economical flights and help you save 30% to 40%. We extract data from different airfare websites and comparison sites as well as tour and travel companies.

We take pride in efficiently finding the best value flights for our clients. All you need to do is relax and plan your itinerary while we do the work.

What is the average price of flights from Birmingham to Amsterdam?

Nonstop flights from Birmingham to Amsterdam typically cost £95 to £105. However, there are days when they can drop to as low as £60. With our team of expert flight searchers, we can find the cheapest flight for you with savings of up to 40%.

How long does it usually take to fly from Birmingham to Amsterdam?

It usually takes approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes to fly from Birmingham to Amsterdam. The distance covered is around 273 miles.

Arriving in Amsterdam

Amsterdam has plenty to offer from picturesque views, world-class museums, charming canal network, to its rich history and culture. This vibrant city will surely have something for you. 

One of the places that most tourists fancy to visit is Jordaan. It has quaint buildings, narrow streets, numerous art galleries, and antique shops mixed with laid-back bars and lovely restaurants. Other sites to visit include Sloterplas for a dip in the lake, Ouderkerk aan de Amstel for a historic feel of the 12th century, and Westergas for its wide array of gastronomic treats.  

Amsterdam is also a cyclist’s haven. It is famous for being one of the most cycle-friendly places in the world. Cycling through its streets and into its hidden gems is something worth trying.

From Birmingham to Europe

You can use our bespoke flight-searching service to travel to anywhere in Europe with Birmingham as your starting point. Whether you have business connections to European destinations, or you just like to visit European cities for vacation, we’ve got you covered – fly from Birmingham to Barcelona, Paris, or Alicante.