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What is the typical price of tickets from Bristol to Alicante?
A typical round-trip flight from Bristol to Alicante will set you back around £188 to £195. We can help you save 30% to 40% on your travel tickets!
How long does it usually take to fly from Bristol to Alicante?
It takes an average of two hours and 25 minutes to fly to Alicante from Bristol, covering a distance of 912 miles (1,468 km).
Arriving in Alicante
Alicante is a port city in Spain’s southeastern Costa Blanca. It enjoys 3,000 hours of sunshine a year, making it one of Spain’s most popular spots for sun-seeking tourists. The original name of the city “Lucentum” translates to “City of Light”. It has stunning beaches, big plazas, and amazing parks.
Climb up to Santa Barbara Castle, a tenth-century fortress that played an important role in the history of Alicante. The castle offers unparalleled views of the city and the surrounding area, especially from ‘La Torreta’ or the upper keep.
Visit the Gravina Museum of Fine Arts, known as the ‘Museo de Bellas Artes Gravina’ in the Spanish language or ‘MUBAG’. The museum houses Alicante paintings and sculptures by regional artists from the sixteenth to the nineteenth century such as Francisco Salzillo, Antonio Gisbert, and Joaquin Agrasot.
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