Flights From LAX to Paris

Searching for affordable flights from Los Angeles to Paris? FindACheapFlight is ready to help! Send us the details of your ideal flight and we’ll help you find the cheapest tickets.

LAX to ParisFind The Cheapest FlightsHow do we offer the best prices?

We customize our flight search based on your travel requirements so you don’t have to worry about flight ticket expenses.

Just provide us with some details about your itinerary. How flexible are you with flight dates and times? Are you willing to get on flights with layovers or do you prefer direct flights?

If there is going to be a layover, do you have airport preferences? What is your maximum tolerance for wait times for your connecting flight? Are you open to the possibility of taking a red-eye flight?

Work with us and our team will find flights that suit your schedule. We can help you save 30% to 40% on your tickets! Just concentrate on your trip planning and let us help you find cost-effective flights!

Unique Flight Searching

We can guarantee that we can help you find very cheap flights to help you save money on your trips. We have a team of expert flight searchers who will thoroughly go over comparison websites and airline promotions to check for timely deals.

We will provide you with the best list of options based on your preferences and other important details. All flight recommendations will be displayed on one page for quick and hassle-free comparisons.

How much can you expect to pay for a flight from Los Angeles to Paris?

One-way flights from Los Angeles to Paris come at an average price of $337 while round trip flights will set you back around $495. Our service can help you save up to 40% on your tickets!

How long does it usually take to fly from LOS ANGELES TO PARIS?

Paris is 5,653 miles (9,098 km) away from Los Angeles. A typical flight to Paris from Los Angeles takes approximately 10 hours and 45 minutes.

Arriving in Paris

France’s capital, Paris, is a global center for art, fashion, culture, and food. The city is proud of its world-famous landmarks like the iconic Eiffel Tower. It stands 324 metres tall, about the same height as an 81-storey building, making it the tallest structure in Paris. The base is square and measures 125 metres on all sides.

When it comes to art, don’t miss a visit to the Musée du Louvre, also known as the Louvre Museum. It is the central landmark of the city and the world’s largest art museum. It houses 80,000 objects and displays 35,000 works of art in eight curatorial departments.

Paris is full of delicious desserts, too. French macarons and eclairs are simply too divine to miss. For breakfast or lunch, you can try one of Paris’ famous croissants and baguettes.

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