Flights From Chicago to Las Vegas

Looking for affordable flights? We can assist you by doing a custom search for the most cost-effective flights from Chicago to Las Vegas. Always get the best deals!

Chicago to Las VegasWe’ll Find You The Best PriceHow do we offer the best prices?

If you plan to travel from Chicago to Las Vegas and need to find the best airfare tickets, we provide personalized flight searches to cater to all your individual travel requirements!

Tell us how adaptable your itinerary is. Is it accurate to say that you are searching only for non-stop flights or are connecting flights a possibility for you? Do you have fixed travel dates and would you go on red-eye flights?

How about layovers? If you are willing to have a layover, how long would you be willing to wait for your connecting flight? What’s more, do you have airport preferences that we need to know about?

Give us as much information as you can so we can tailor our search to suit your needs. Let us assist you by helping you save up to 40% on flight tickets! We are here to ensure your trip is as cost-effective as possible.

Unconventional Fare-Finding Method

We are ready to help you discover adaptable travel choices. You don’t need to go through every single airline or tour group website for hours. We can make the hunt for the cheapest flight a breeze for you. 

Simply let us know your travel preferences and our experts will provide you with the most affordable alternatives. Choose one of the available choices and book your trips without a sweat.

How much can you expect to pay for a flight from Chicago to Las Vegas?

The average ticket cost of a one-way flight from Chicago to Las Vegas is about $52. You are looking at $104 for a round trip ticket. We can help you save about 30% to 40% with the help of our flight search service.

How long does it usually take to fly from Chicago to Las Vegas?

It takes about three hours and 53 minutes to fly from Chicago to Las Vegas. The flight distance from Chicago to Las Vegas is approximately 1,514 miles.

Arriving in Las Vegas

Las Vegas, popularly referred to as just Vegas, is the 28th-most populous city in the United States. It is the regional seat of Clark County.

There are a number of ways to experience Vegas. You can go on a sightseeing tour by helicopter or watch amazing acts at a Cirque du Soleil show. Restore your love for boy bands by watching the Backstreet Boys perform, or head out on a 13-mile scenic drive to admire Red Rock Canyon’s vivid formations.

Take a walk down The Strip to admire various hotels in their full glory or simply stop and be mesmerized by the Bellagio Hotel’s 200-foot-tall fountains doing a watery dance with choreographed music.