Find A Cheap Flight From Chicago to New York City

Your search for the cheapest flights from Chicago to New York City doesn’t need to be stressful. Use our personalized flight search service to save on your travel expenses!

Chicago to New York CityBest Prices All RoundHow do we offer the best prices?

Allow us to help you find the best-priced flights from Chicago to New York City. We do personalized flight searches that suit your needs.

You just need to give us an idea about your itinerary.  Do you like direct flights, or will connecting flights work for you as well? How long can you wait for your connecting flight?

Would you opt for a red-eye flight, or are you willing to spend a few hours on a layover? Do you have airport preferences?

Our team of travel specialists will take care of your needs. All you have to do is send us the details of your requirements and we’ll take care of everything. We can help you save 30% to 40% on your plane tickets! Just focus on planning your trip from Chicago to New Yor City and we’ll find you the most affordable flights!

How much do flights from Chicago to New York City cost?

One way plane ticket from Chicago to New York on average costs around $74 while a round trip flight will set you back $147. If you provide us with your travel preferences, we can help you save about 30% to 40% on your tickets!

How long does it usually take to fly from Chicago and New York City?

The distance between Chicago and New York City is about 733 miles. It usually takes approximately two hours flying out from Chicago to get to New York City.

Arriving in New York City

The Big Apple and the City That Never Sleeps are the most popular nicknames of New York City. Manhattan is the center of the five boroughs and home to major commercial, cultural, and financial centers. Iconic sights include the Empire State Building and the vast and gorgeous Central Park. 

First-timers must visit the bustling Times Square where you can find Broadway shows, cinemas, and neon-lit electronic billboards. Visit “the Met” or the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the largest art museum in the United States.

Complete your trip with a New Yorker “BEC” breakfast, composed of a bodega-made bacon, egg, and cheese sandwich. Get a taste of an authentic New York bagel as another breakfast option and don’t forget to try pastrami on rye for lunch as it is about as New York as it gets.