Tailored Flights From New York City to Miami

Are you flying from New York City to Miami? Let us help you find the best flight within your budget with all your individual needs taken into account so you can spend more on sightseeing!

New York City to MiamiTravel On A BudgetHow do we offer the best prices?

Our custom flight search service scours the web for the cheapest deals. We want to make sure that you won’t have to pay more than you have to on your next flight from New York City to Miami!

To help you find the best flight, we encourage you to provide us with as much information as possible regarding your preferences. Do let us know when and how you would like to travel. We will then use that information to match you with the best-priced available flights.

When do you plan on traveling? Are you traveling in a group? What kind of flight do you prefer: direct or connecting?

In terms of connecting flights, is there a city you would prefer to stop at for your layover? Which airport would you like to arrive at? Use our form to relay any information you want us to consider during our search so we can find the right options for you.

Best Custom Quotes

To help you find the best flight, we will be looking at airline websites and travel booking companies. We will gather information about different prices and travel dates to find the best flight for you.

However, we go beyond merely listing the lowest ticket prices available. We want to make sure that these flights take into account your flight needs and preferences.

How much do flights from New York City to Miami cost on average?

On average, the cost of flights from New York City to Miami is $149. You can get 40% off your ticket if you use our flight search service.

How long does it usually take to fly from New York City to Miami?

The average flight time from New York City to Miami is three hours and three minutes. In terms of distance, approximately 1,096 miles (or 1,763 km) separate these two cities.

Arriving in Miami

Miami is a popular tourist destination, especially during summer. It is the economic, financial, and tourist center of South Florida. Aside from its notable beaches, there is also a wide range of tourist attractions and activities to enjoy in the area.

When it comes to the best tourist spots in Miami, Miami Beach is on top of the list. This area is filled with lively entertainment-focused destinations and sandy beaches. There are also plenty of oceanfront hotels, shops, and restaurants that you can check out.

For those looking for family-friend attractions and things to do in Miami, there are numerous options available. These include the Everglades National Park, Zoo Miami, and Jungle Island.