Bargain Flights From Orlando to Atlanta

Looking for the best-priced flights from Orlando to Atlanta? Our team of experts is ready to assist you! Send us the details of your flight and we’ll do a custom search to find you the best-priced tickets.

Orlando to AtlantaFind The Cheapest FlightsHow do we offer the best prices?

We customize our flight search based on your travel needs so you can avoid stressing over airfare expenses from Orlando to Atlanta.

Let us know your travel requirements. Are you flexible when it comes to your flight dates and times? Do you already have a fixed date?

Do you prefer direct flights or are layovers okay with you? How long can you wait for your connecting flight? Do you have airport preferences?

We can prioritize your travel requirements, so let our team know how flexible you are by providing us with your flight details. Let us help you save up to 40% on your plane tickets. Fill out the form and get the most affordable flight in no time!

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Save money on your trips by letting us help you find cheap flights. Our team of travel experts will gather airline data and search far and wide for ongoing promotions.

Your preferences and flight plans will enable us to narrow down your list of options. We are going to provide you with flight recommendations on a single page so you can make a quick and easy decision. What are you waiting for? Fill out our form!

How much do flights from Orlando to Atlanta usually cost?

A typical round trip flight from Orlando to Atlanta will set you back between $78 to $98. With the help of our team, we can help you save about 30% to 40% on your airline tickets!

How long does it usually take to fly from Orlando to Atlanta?

The travel distance from Orlando to Atlanta is around 404 miles. It takes about an hour and 20 minutes of travel time to get from one city to the other.

Arriving in Atlanta

Atlanta played an important part in both the Civil War and the 1960s Civil Rights Movement. Nowadays, you will find interesting attractions, museums, and parks, ranging from family-friendly spots to lowkey ones.

Atlanta Botanical Garden sprawls across 30 acres located next to Piedmont Park in Midtown. Its mission is to develop and maintain plant collections for display, educate visitors, conduct research, and provide enjoyment to botany enthusiasts.

Dr. Benjamin Walker used to own the land where Piedmont Park Conservancy is currently located. He used it as his out-of-town gentleman’s farm and residence. Now, the park is a non-profit organization that has been able to raise $3 million dollars for park enhancements.