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How much can you expect to pay for a flight from Chicago to Paris?
Plane tickets for one way flights from Chicago to Paris, France cost around $264, while the average price for round trip flights is $378.
How long does it usually take to fly from Chicago to Paris?
The distance from Chicago to Paris, France is approximately 4,135 miles, which takes about 12 hours and 34 minutes of travel time.
Arriving in Paris
Paris, the City of Lights, is the world’s most visited city. Stroll along the Parisian streets and admire the iconic Eiffel Tower. It was completed in 1889, and is now a world-famous landmark that is a symbol of French civic pride.
Pay a visit to the famed Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris. The construction of this masterpiece of Gothic architecture began in the 12th century. It stands on the Île de la Cité and is the heart of the city.
Wander through the Luxembourg Gardens in the late afternoon. These formal gardens used to be open only to royalty before the French Revolution. It is now one of Paris’ most popular destinations for relaxation.