Tailored Flights From LAX to London

Do you want to save on your flight tickets from LAX to London? We’ve got you covered! Our team of expert custom flight searchers will help you save on your next trip.

LAX to LondonFind The Cheapest FlightsHow do we offer the best prices?

We provide bespoke flight searches with budget-friendly ticket prices.

Are you willing to have layovers? Do you have specific travel dates? Are you traveling with a group?

Provide us with some information on your trip so we can customize our flight search according to your preference. It can also help us come up with the cheapest prices available on the market. For example, if layovers are fine with you, we can take advantage of the fact that connected flights from LAX to London are usually cheaper than direct flights.

All you need to do is fill out our form, and we will do the rest. Finding cheap flights does not have to be stressful for you.

Not Your Average Comparison Site

We are not just your ordinary comparison site – we hold our goal of providing you with the most cost-effective flight in high regard. We have a team of expert flight searchers who diligently process all the necessary data to ensure that we give our clients the best results.

Our platform is also easy to use and navigate. With our customized flight searches, we can provide you with cheap flights that suit your needs.

How much are you expected to pay for a trip from LAX to Lonon on average?

Direct flights from LAX to London usually cost around $560 to $580. But if you are willing to have stopovers, it will cost less at an average of $490 to $510. With our bespoke flight search services, you can save as much as 30% to 40% on flight prices.

How long does it usually take to fly from LAX to London?

It usually takes 10 hours and 30 minutes to travel directly from LAX to London. It covers an estimated distance of 8,754 kilometers or around 5,440 miles.

Arriving in London

London, the capital and the largest city in England, has a lot to offer! Whether it’s sightseeing tours, day tours, theme parks, museums, historic sites, and gorgeous architecture, you will surely have a lot of things to do when you visit London.

One of the top attractions that you must try in London is The Making of Harry Potter- Warner Bros. Studio Tour. Experience the actual sets of the magical movie franchise as you go to Diagon Alley, Hogwarts Great Hall, and ride the Hogwarts Express at Platform 9 ¾.

Of course, you should also not miss the classics, especially if it is your first time in London. Visit the iconic landmarks of London such as the Big Ben Tower, the London Eye, and Westminster Abbey.