Tailored Flights From Toronto to London

Get a free custom quote for your flight from Toronto to London – we take into account all your likes and dislikes, whatever they may be. Fly on a budget with all your needs taken care of every time.

Toronto to LondonWe’ll Find You The Best PriceHow do we offer the best prices?

How many times have you been frustrated by the expensive cost of flights from Toronto to London? Worry no more. Our flight search service can help you save up to 40%.

To help you find the best flights and the best deals, make sure to fill out the form we’ve prepared for you. It would be great if you could be as detailed as possible when giving information about your travel plans. This will enable us to compare the existing flight options to match your needs.

What is your preferred travel date? Is there any specific time of day that you want your flight to be? How flexible are these dates and times?

Do you prefer to travel with specific airlines? Do you like to travel direct or via a connecting flight? If you prefer the latter, which city would you like your layover to be in?

Is there a specific airport that you want to arrive at? Make sure to let us know any information that you want us to consider when listing available flights.

Not Your Average Comparison Site

We use our due diligence when choosing the cheapest flights from Toronto to London. We do not just simply list the cheapest deals that we can find.

We scour the web for the best deals, from airline websites to travel booking sites. This is why we are different from other price comparison websites. We make sure that we don’t just find you the cheapest flights but also the ones that would fit into your travel plans and unique travel needs, too.

What can you expect to pay for a flight from Toronto to London?

The average cost of flights from Toronto to London is $539. But when you use our flight search service, you can get up to 40% in savings.

How long does it usually take to fly from Toronto to London?

The average flight time from Toronto to London is six hours and 55 minutes. In terms of distance, there is approximately 5,700 kilometers between the two cities.

Arriving in London

London is among the world’s oldest and greatest cities. As the capital of England and the United Kingdom, its history stretches all the way back to Roman times.

The heart of the city houses the world-famous House of Parliament, an imposing work of architecture that sits beside the iconic ‘Big Ben’ clock tower. Also in the vicinity is the site of British monarch coronations, Westminster Abbey. Across the famous River Thames is another iconic structure, the London Eye, an observation wheel that gives its passengers an unobstructed panoramic view of the entire city.

Millions of people visit London every year. In 2018, London reported six million tourists. Some of the city’s most visited sites are the Tower of London, Tower Bridge, National Gallery, Churchill War Rooms, National History Museum, the British Museum, the Victoria and Albert Museum, and of course, the Borough Market.

Fly To Europe

Are you looking for flights from Toronto to Europe? With our free custom service, you can get the best prices with all your individual travel needs taken care of. Fly from Toronto to Dublin, Amsterdam, Rome, Paris, and many other European destinations.