Edinburgh to London Cheap Flights

Frustrated looking for cheap flights from Edinburgh to London? You can book your flight at the cheapest price with our unique custom fare-finder!

Edinburgh to LondonBest Custom QuotesHow do we offer the best prices?

There is now a cost-effective way to travel from Edinburgh to London. Our bespoke flight search service is what you need to get to London with up to 40% savings on your ticket.

In order to make the most of our service, we encourage you to provide detailed information about your travel plans. We want to know the kind of flight you want–nonstop or connecting? If you opt for a connecting flight, what city is your ideal choice for a layover? Is there a specific airport that you want for your travel?

Do let us know if you want to travel within a specific time period, too. How flexible are your travel dates? 

The more information you provide us, the more we can help match the right flight with the cheapest price for your travel. Our goal is to not only help you save money but also find the most ideal flight that suits all your travel preferences.

We’ll Find You The Best Price

We will be comparing information and rates from various airline websites, tour companies, and other flight providers in order to find the best deals. This is how we can guarantee that we have the best prices on your Edinburgh to London tickets. 

But that is not all! We go above and beyond to ensure that we can save you from the hassle and stress of booking. We take the pain out of finding your cheap flights and give you up to 40% in savings!

How much do flights from Edinburgh to London usually cost?

The price of flights from Edinburgh to London starts at £85. On average, the ticket will cost £125. But if you choose to book with us, you can enjoy up to 30% to 40% off on your ticket price

How long does it usually take to fly from Edinburgh to London?

The average duration of a non-stop flight from Edinburgh to London is one hour and 20 minutes. There is a flight distance of approximately 332 miles or 534 kilometers between the two cities.

Arriving in London

London is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world. This modern city has a long history that goes as far back as Roman times. Because of this, tourists will be spoiled for options when it comes to must-see attractions in the city.

If you want to experience the best that London has to offer, you can visit the notable tourist spots such as the Tower of London. This UNESCO site is filled with history and culture. And speaking of history and culture, Big Ben is another iconic landmark in London.

If you are seeking more cultural and historical experiences in the city, other must-see destinations to add to your list include Tower Bridge, Buckingham Palace, and Westminster Abbey.

Travel To London

Looking for the most affordable flights to London? Wherever you are in the UK, our unique custom flight search service can get you the best deals out there.

Fly from Belfast to London, Glasgow to London, Manchester to London, or Newcastle to London, and save money every time!