Find A Cheap Flight From Birmingham to Paris

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Birmingham to ParisFree Tailored QuotesHow do we offer the best prices?

We can custom search your travel requirements for your trip to Paris from Birmingham to give you cost-effective flight tickets.

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We are not your usual comparison website. We do bespoke searches based on the details you provide. We compare all the popular comparison websites, relevant airlines, and deals.

All your flight recommendations will be laid out carefully on our page so you can easily see which one works for you. Leave everything to us and let us prevent you from stressing over comparing flights yourself.

What can you expect to pay for a typical flight from Birmingham to Paris?

One way flights from Birmingham to Paris cost about £141 to £205 while round trip flights will set you back about £157 – £172. We can help you save 30% to 40% on your airline tickets!

How long does it usually take to fly from Birmingham to Paris?

Covering a distance of 306 miles, the average flight to Paris from Birmingham takes approximately one hour and 20 minutes.

Arriving in Paris

Paris, the City of Lights, is the world’s most visited capital and probably the most romantic city. The French are proud of its iconic Eiffel Tower and the Arc de Triomphe. Paris is a major European city and a global center for art, fashion, gastronomy, and culture.

Spend a day appreciating art at the Louvre Museum–the world’s largest art museum and a major historic monument in the city. Stroll along the Champs-Élysées and see theatres, cafés, and luxury shops. Its name, in translation, is French for the Elysian Fields, which is the paradise for heroes in Greek mythology.

Visit the medieval Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris, which was the inspiration for both the classic novel and the Disney cartoon. The cathedral was consecrated to the Virgin Mary and it is considered to be one of the finest examples of French Gothic architecture.

Travel On A Budget From Birmingham

Do you regularly travel from Birmingham? Make sure to get all your travel needs and preferences met on a budget. Use our fare-finder to fly from Birmingham to Alicante and Barcelona, or travel within the UK and go to Edinburgh.