Cheap Flights From LAX to New York

Are you frustrated by your search for cheap flights from LAX to New York? Worry no more. Our personalized flight search is here to help you find the best deals!

LAX to New YorkBest Prices All RoundHow do we offer the best prices?

We offer a personalized flight search service that helps you book the cheapest flight possible. With our comprehensive flight search, you don’t have to pay the full price on your next flight from Los Angeles to New York!

Helps us to find your ideal flight from LAX to New York. We would love to get as much information as possible about your flight and travel plans. Let us know your preferences and budget so we can match the flights we find with your needs.

Do you prefer to fly via a connected flight or a direct one? Is there any specific stop that you want, if you prefer having a connecting flight? What is your preferred travel date?

Do let us know if you have room for flexibility as far as your travel dates are concerned. It is also important to provide other relevant details that would help us find the best options for you. All the additional information you provide will ensure that we can find you the most cost-effective flight possible.

Save Time & Money

Our flight search service goes beyond mere price comparison. We take into account more than just the price of the flight when providing you with a list of options. We also want to make sure that all your unique flight preferences are met.

In order to do this, we look at various airline websites and travel booking sites. Then, we provide you with a list of flights that match your budget and travel preferences. This is how we tailor our service to meet your needs!

How much can you expect to set aside for a flight from LAX to New York?

The average price for flights from LAX to New York starts at $54 but can go up to $147, depending on the season or time of year. With our flight search service, you can enjoy up to 40% savings on ticket prices.

How long does it usually take to fly from LAX to New York?

The travel time from LAX to New York lasts for an average of five hours and 20 minutes. There is an approximate distance of 2,475 miles or 3,944 kilometers between the two cities.

Arriving in New York

New York is known as “The City that Never Sleeps” so it is always vibrant no matter what time of day. It is also one of the most popular and visited cities in the world. It has everything that you could possibly imagine, which is part of its appeal.

One of the best things about New York is that you can do and see a lot of things for free. Central Park tops the list of free attractions in the city. The park serves as an urban oasis in the middle of the city with a zoo and lots of picnic areas.

Other recommended attractions in New York include a visit to the Grand Central Terminal or the famous Times Square. Make sure to check out St. Patrick’s Cathedral and the Brooklyn Bridge, too.

Travel From LAX

Whether you’re traveling within the US or looking for an international flight, you can use our unique flight searching service to get the best discounts for your air travel.

Fly from LAX to Bangkok, Cancun, London, or Paris and save up to 40% on your airfare.