Find A Cheap Flight From Orlando to New York

Traveling to New York from Orlando? Our team of expert flight searchers can help. Use our custom flight-searching service to get the most affordable deals & save time and money!

Orlando to New YorkTravel On A BudgetHow do we offer the best prices?

We provide personalized flight searches according to your travel requirements, while also making sure that your trip to New York is within your budget.

Let us take care of your flight requirements. Give us an idea of what kind of flight you plan on taking. Do you have fixed travel dates or are you thinking of getting an open ticket instead? What are your thoughts on red-eye flights? 

Are direct flights more to your liking or are connecting flights a possibility as well? How about layovers? Do you have a preferred airport for your layovers or connecting flights? Tell us all of your individual preferences.

Share with us your ideal travel plans so we can help you cut down on airline ticket costs. Our dedicated team can help you save up to 40%. Just fill out the form to get your best options!

What is the average price of flights from Orlando to New York?

One-way flights to New York from Orlando will cost you $63. Roundtrip flights are typically priced between $104 to $128. Use our flight search platform to save up to 40%!

How long does it usually take to fly from Orlando to New York?

New York is 944 miles from Orlando. Flying out from Orlando to New York takes about two hours and 30 minutes.

Arriving in New York

New York City is composed of five boroughs located around the area where the Hudson River meets the Atlantic Ocean. Manhattan is the heart of the city where you can find the world’s major commercial, financial, and cultural centers.

Central Park is located in the middle of Manhattan and sprawls across 843 green acres of the city. For over 150 years, it has been frequented by locals and travelers. Climb up to the 86th and 102nd floor of the Empire State Building’s observatories. Reigning as the world’s most famous building, it rises 1,454 feet from the ground and features the only 360-degree open-air vantage point in Midtown Manhattan.

Kids will definitely not feel out of place in NYC. Take them to Manhattan Skyline where they can enjoy views of the Staten Island Ferry, Empire State Building, Brooklyn Bridge Park, and Top of the Rock.

Tips On Air Travel

Are you looking for specific air travel info, such as what happens if you miss your flight? Or are you just curious about air travel facts, such as what the oldest airplane still in function is?

If so, make sure to check out our useful flying tips!