Boston to RomeFree Tailored QuotesHow do we offer the best prices?
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We consider your preferences and other important flight plans to provide the best list of options. We will send you all the flight recommendations displayed on one page for easy comparison.
What is the average price of flights from Boston to Rome?
An average round trip flight from Boston to Rome is about $634 to $704. A non-stop flight will cost you $934. With our help, you can get 30% to 40% off your flight!
How long does it usually take to fly from Boston to Rome?
Rome is located in Italy, which is 4,089 miles away from Boston. It takes approximately nine hours and 30 minutes to travel by via airplane between the two cities.
Arriving in Rome
Rome is known for its stunning architecture such as the Colosseum. It is the best-preserved monument of all of the monuments of ancient Rome. This huge marble structure was built to hold over 50,000 spectators to witness gruesome contests between gladiators and the slaughter of wild beasts.
One of the most impressive monuments of Augustan Rome is the Pantheon. It is dedicated to the seven planetary divinities and features an interior of gorgeous marble.
Pasta is one of the important elements of Italian cuisine. The most common pasta shape is spaghetti, but there are many other forms. Famous pasta sauces include amatriciana, carbonara, (a sauce made with pancetta or guanciale–pig’s cheek–cheese, and egg), cacio e pepe, and gricia (like carbonara but without eggs).
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